Gerard Gascón

Self-taught game developer.

Gerard Gascón



Complete games that I've been part of.

🔍 Just in Crime


A detective video game in which you play a detective dog and a wizard cat. With a twist; you are able to travel back in time and examine the crime scene a few seconds before it happened.

🛒 Mercorona


A post-jam game from the Coronavirus Game Jam about trying to buy the maximum amount of food in an infinite runner game.


Interesting topics that I've investigated and written about.

📽️ Yet Another World’s Worst Video Card


A simple research project based on Ben Eater’s video series about building a video card on breadboards. In this project, I reduced the memory usage by only having 1-bit images.

👾 Game Development in 16‑bits


A research project about developing a video game from scratch for the Sega Mega Drive in 2021 using SGDK.

Development Tools

Tools that I have developed mainly for myself, but also for anyone to use.

🏃 Platformer Engine


A basic SGDK project to learn how it works and also be a good basis to learn how to make a platformer game for the Mega Drive.

🛠️ Simple Tools


Made during the Game Jams for the Game Jams, Simple Tools is a bunch of simple and useful tools to use in your Unity projects, with the main goal of making them simple and as fast as possible to implement.

Game Jams

A list of some game jam projects that I've developed over the years.

🌹 Roses


A game developed for the Sant Jordi Jam 2024 where you make a rose flourish by pressing Catalan letters.

😂 Emojiji


A game developed for the MálagaJam Weekend 17 where you have to complete some jokes using only emojis.

🌴 Figments of the Night


A game developed for the Indie Spain Jam 2023 where you wake up on a deserted island with no memory.



A game developed for the List Jam 2 about a troll that must protect the orb that constantly changes the level and gameplay from an unstoppable ghost.

🎂 Mr. Flurfels & Catarina y la tarta perdida


A game developed for the Indie Spain Jam 2022 about solving a mystery through time of a cake that went missing.

🔴 Domyno


A game developed for the MashUp Game Jam 2 about using dominoes to press a button.



A game developed for the Disc Room Game Jam about a character that shoots CDs, but they are also its health.

⚔️ Mediepals


A game developed for the Spain Game Devs Jam II about a birthday party with a "medieval" tournament inside it.

🦊 Fur War


A game developed for the Coronavirus Game Jam II about a red panda with a spaceship that has to enable all the base platforms.


Talks that I've given at some point.

💪 Unnecessary Challenges and Retro Pleasures: Homebrew in 16-bits


A talk showcasing how people can make games from hardware restrictions from my experience on working with the Sega Mega Drive.

🗺️ We Have Survived a Jam


A talk explaining how we organized the development of 'Figments of the Night' and how we survived during the entire Indie Spain Jam 2023.

🧙 The art of programming: the invisible magic behind video games


A talk explaining the little tricks that programmers make in order to improve the feel of the games.

🧑‍💻 Game Development in 16‑bits


A talk explaining the development of a complete video game for the Sega Mega Drive.

But Wait, There's More!

See all projects